Career Development is part of the Center for Integrated Advising and Careers. All of the offices in the Centerwork together to support studentsin being successful at Warren Wilson and achieving their goals.

Top Ten Career Services

Warren Wilson College is ranked No. 6 overall in Princeton’s Reviews 2018 list of schools with “Best Career Services.”

How do we provide such outstanding support? We link career preparation with all facets of our curriculum via ourholistic approach to advising. It all begins with the four L’s.

  • 学习:教师来到教室帮助学生建立从文科课程到令人兴奋的职业生涯和研究生院的联系。
  • Leverage: Staff work with students to build relationships to find summer work opportunities, internships, fellowships, and alumni networking opportunities – all are part of the package for every student.
  • Launch: Staff support students to develop resumes, apply for jobs and practice interviews.
  • 兰德:我们不会在你毕业的时候放弃,我们的员工会帮助你过渡到专业领域,与新生分享你的成功。

Building Connections

Interested in learning more about an occupation? Eager to find alumni who are working internationally? Hoping to start your own business? Through your OWLink Profile, you’ll connect with our network of alumni and friends who want to help you learn, connect, explore, and succeed.

You will also have the opportunity to build your network through on-campus programming, including:

  • Summer JAM
  • 校友的联系,
  • Industry panels
  • Graduate school fairs

One of the things that I learned from Warren Wilson that I took with me throughout my career was the work ethic.

Nate Gazaway '00

Nate Gazaway ' 00是Veeva Systems全球客户成功的副总裁,Veeva Systems是一家全球生命科学行业的软件开发公司。作为沃伦·威尔逊学院的学生,他曾在园林绿化组和树木组服役。他后来在亚特兰大的一家园林绿化公司工作,在那里他学习了软件物流程序,这让他成为了目前在一家大型软件开发公司担任高级领导的角色。


A Career Trek

CareerTreks是你和Career Center工作人员一起参加的免费旅行。通过CareerTreks,你可以参观旅行社,了解职业道路和领域,与校友建立联系,参观研究生院。最近一次到亚特兰大的职业旅行包括参观疾病控制和预防中心、女权主义女性健康中心、亚特兰大之手、Skyland Trail等等。学生们还通过与当地校友和朋友共进晚餐来发展他们的社交网络。

Grandpa on beach

Finding her Path

Deanna Dragan ’15, Psychology major, came to Warren Wilson interested in working with children and immediately began Community Engagement work during her freshman year. This work gave her the insight she needed to realize that working with children was not, in fact, what she loved doing. After connecting with Career Center staff to reflect and process, she changed her major to Psychology, began volunteering at a treatment program for the elderly, and upon graduation, enrolled in a Ph.D. program for geropsychology at the University of Alabama. Learning by doing and reflecting throughout her college experience helped Deanna find her place post graduation.

Fortune Teller

Gaining Clarity

Finding your career doesn’t have to be conventional. A partnership between Career Services and Spiritual Life has led to the development of Clearness Committees. Clearness Committees are a tool for working through big questions, like “What should I major in?”, “What do I want to do after graduation?”, or “Which of these two opportunities should I accept?” Based on the belief that we all have the answer within ourselves, the process utilizes trained students who ask open and honest questions of the focus person wrestling with their decision.