A Step Ahead

Providing Warren Wilson students with an edge in graduate programs across the country, our Advantage Program consists of a variety of benefits in the form of:

  • Accelerated enrollment, reducing completion of a bachelor’s and master’s degree by one year;
  • Guaranteed or preferential admission;
  • Tuition discounts;
  • Guaranteed or preferential scholarship consideration with partner graduate programs.

Current Partner Schools

Bard College

Duke University

Vermont Law School

I built strong mentorship-style relationships with faculty that continue to this day. Those relationships deeply informed my decision to go to graduate school, and continue to inform my career decisions. I continue to feel supported by Warren Wilson faculty and connected to them in my post-college life and career. They were never too busy to write a recommendation or reference for me, offer advice, or simply connect. Because we applied our learning in the labs, fields, and forests of Warren Wilson, that learning has stuck with me. I remember concepts, methods, and theories much better than if I had simply read a book, heard a lecture, written a paper, or taken a test. And the individual learning opportunities proved to be invaluable for preparing me for graduate school and my career.

Maureen McKenna '05, Environmental Studies